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A Pakistani-Christian asylum seeker mother and her son have been released from an Immigration Detention Center (IDC), where they endured harsh living conditions since December (click here).

The son was compelled to clean the washroom, exposing him to unhygienic environments that triggered a skin allergy.

Now, reunited with the rest of their family, they express deep gratitude to BACA for facilitating their exit from the IDC.


Noshleen Nadeem, 40, and her son Nathan Nadeem, 18, were released from the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) in Bangkok on April 17, 2024, thanks to the intervention of BACA, who paid their overstay fine. After three and a half months of separation, Noshleen and Nathan were finally reunited with their family.

Their ordeal began on the evening of December 28, 2023, when Royal Thai Police and immigration officials apprehended them at their modest rented condominium in Putthabucha 45. Nathan, who had just returned after dropping off his younger siblings Emmanuel, 8, and Arithma, 5, at a nearby tuition center, was intercepted by authorities at the manager’s office. Upon checking their identities, the authorities discovered their illegal status and compelled Nathan to lead them to their apartment, where the rest of the family, including Noshleen and her husband Nadeem Masih, 50, were residing.

However, a concerned individual from the condominium alerted the family about Nathan’s arrest and the impending raid to apprehend the parents. Acting swiftly, Nadeem Masih managed to conceal himself in the washroom, but unfortunately, Noshleen was seized by the authorities.

Recognizing the underage status of Emmanuel and Arithma, the authorities refrained from taking them into custody, leaving them with the family.

In a desperate bid for help, Nadeem Masih reached out to BACA through our officer in Thailand, informing them of his wife and eldest son’s arrest. He implored BACA to arrange £2144 for bail money to secure the release of Noshleen and Nathan from the notorious Immigration Detention Centre.

Responding promptly, BACA facilitated the release of Noshleen and Nathan by paying their bail money through our officer in Thailand. Finally, on April 17, 2024, Noshleen and Nathan returned home, where they were joyously reunited with their relieved family.

Noshleen has bravely recounted her harrowing experience in the dingy and overcrowded cells of the IDC. She described the conditions as horrid, with the cells packed with 120-130 prisoners, making it impossible to sleep or even sit comfortably.

Her primary concern was always the safety of her young son, Nathan, who was detained in the men’s section. The constant sounds of fights and disturbances from that area filled her with dread.

Noshleen revealed that Nathan had suffered violence while inside the prison. He was also assigned to clean the washrooms, exposing him to unhygienic conditions that led to a skin allergy.

Adding to their distress, the family is facing financial struggles due to unemployment and a lack of resources to meet their daily needs. In a gesture of kindness, BACA has also provided them with a gift of £200 to purchase essential food items and cover rent expenses, while they find their feet again.

Noshleen and Nadeem express profound gratitude to BACA for their unwavering support during their darkest times, acknowledging the lifeline provided during their most desperate moments.

The British Asian Christian Association continues to support Christian asylum seekers and refugees in Thailand, a mission that comes at significant cost. Our work includes providing monthly financial grants, covering medical expenses, and addressing other emergency needs. You can help us sustain these efforts by donating (here).


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