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Image of Ilford Mammoth at Natural History Museum.

BPCA is co-hosting a celebration of the mammoth remains uncovered in our local borough of Redbridge in 1864.  Whether you believe in seven literal days for creation or seven periods of time, it is impossible to discount the existence of mammoths.  

The BPCA does not believe that there is a conflict between science and God and we would argue that the the natural orderliness and laws within God’s creation, underpins scientific enterprise i.e. nature has to be regular for us to learn from scientific testing.

The event will be a wonderful opportunity for outreach as visitors are expected to come from far and wide and of diverse backgrounds.  It is with this in mind that we challenge churches and Christian groups to join us for a fun-packed event, focused on espousing community cohesion, whilst also sharing basic scientific concepts through engaging activities.

If you are interested in a stall please contact us, as proceeds from the pitch allocation will go towards our relief fund for victims of the Pakistan floods.

Excavations led by Sir Antonio Brady in 1864, led to the discovery of bones belonging to prehistoric Steppe Mammoths, lions, elephants, giant deer and other ancient mammals.  A skull now named “Ilford Mammoth” now resides at the Natural History Museum.  It is hoped that a replica will be installed somewhere in Ilford Town Centre to coincide with our event.  Learn more about Bring Monty Home campaign (here).

The dates set for the the borough celebration are 27th -28th September 2014, and local history groups will be joined by wider more established groups, to promote Natural and Life Sciences locally. The event is funded by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills.

Event:       Mammoth Steppes Festival

Location:    Ilford Town Hall steps

Date:       27th and 28th September 2014

Times:      12:00 – 18:00

Activities: International Food Stalls, Music, Dance, Drama, Singing, Bouncy Castle, Funfair,  There will also be a Natural Science Activities including Quizzes, Treasure hunt, Badge Making, Mammoth making, Recycled Mammoth badge making, Pseudo archaeological digs, art workshops and much more.

Price:         All activities will be free.

In the run up to the event the EIBP/BPCA will be holding a series of children’s art workshops that will lead to a mammoth exhibition at Redbridge Central Library, including 3D maps of Ice Age Ilford and Stone Age Ilford.  Some art boards will be placed across certain parks across the Borough.  For further details please contact the EIBP/BPCA using the following details:

Tel: 020 8514 0861 or Email:

Event Organiser Wilson Chowdhry said;

“Few people in Redbridge are knowledgeable on the great prehistory that emanates from our borough.  When Mammoths once roamed Ilford the area was a beautiful Savannah and although we are now far removed from this idyllic landscape, the significance of the finds is best recognised in the fact that the Ilford Mammoth is the only complete mammoth skull ever discovered in Britain. “

We hope that the event and our project will create a lasting desire to learn more about the Natural Sciences, Life sciences and our colourful local history.  Moreover, we hope the replica of the mammoth skull will draw international visitors to our borough and create a stronger sense of local pride.”

Partner Groups include:

British Pakistani Christian Association London Geodiversity Partnership

Geologists’ Association

Ilford Mammoth Project

Redbridge Museum

Natural History Museum

Essex Field Club

Ilford Historical Society

Youth Offender Team

Redbridge Enterprise

This project has been co-funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) as part of the BIS Science and Society Community Challenge Grant Scheme’.

A spokesperson said;

‘The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is pleased to support this project which takes science into a community setting. It is our hope as a result of the audience being engaged with this project that they will feel better informed about science issues affecting them and be inspired to be involved further in the future’.


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