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On Thursday 4th May, British Asian Christian Association, welcomed several volunteers from Eden Church in Ilford, who had a visiting team from Belgium.

A team of three international volunteers who are at a Bible College in Belgium but hail from other countries including the USA and Canada, joined us at Clementswood Community Centre, and helped set-up and serve over 45 local homeless people.

Their input helped us greatly and it was a pleasure to be able to provide them with an opportunity for their mission work.

Pastor Bryon, from Eden Church said:

“The team were helpful and very useful for our church.

“Their visit from the Bible college in Belgium was a blessing for the Church and for our local community.

“The hands on experience they received from participating at BACA’s ‘Meals for the Needy’ project, will have empowered them.

“Feedback from the team suggests the experience was very rewarding.”

Juliet Chowdhry, Trustee for British Asian Christian Association, said:

“Working with other churches and organisations has strengthened our group.

“Pastor Bryon regularly prays for our work and we appreciate his ongoing support.”

British Asian Christian Association, is a private donor funded group. We receive no grants from the government, local council or from the National Lottery.  Food is often cooked by local businesses or community individuals but there are many associated costs in running a soup kitchen – it’s expensive!  We could not afford to do this work without the support of people who want to help; if you have been moved by this account, you too can donate through various payment options listed (here).

The international team of volunteers helped set up our food tables.
the team later stayed and served food and engaged with our homeless visitors, praying with those who requested it.



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