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A 63-year-old grandmother, Mrs Rasoolan Bibi, who was arrested in a crackdown on asylum seekers and refugees in Thailand, just days before Christmas (19th December 2019), has escaped the brutal detention she suffered in Bangkok’s infamous Immigration Detention Centre, thanks to BACA.

Since Rasoolan Bibi’s arrest, her daughter and only caretaker Amreen Latif faced many difficulties to reunite with her mother. With the help of Thai Lawyer Mr. Wathanin Boon and a bail of 50,000 baht (£1300), she has called for the release of her mother on medical grounds. The Thai Lawyer has acted as the guarantor of Mrs Rasoolan Bibi.

In a previous article, we advised our supporters of a delay in her release due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown while she was being tested for the virus. However, after a four month wait following our initial application, Rasoolan Bibi was released on the 29th April 2020.

Unfortunately, Amreen’s mother was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease whilst detained in the IDC. Though she was treated by Thai Police Hospital while she was in IDC after pressure applied by the BACA and her Thai lawyer Wathanin Boon, her health is still poorly. Amreen continues her treatment from the same doctor to ensure proper treatment.

The family shared a message with our supporters:

Rasoolan also suffers with Eczema, Arthritis and hypertension and has high blood pressure.

The IDC is notorious for failure to provide healthcare to detainees which has already led to 8 deaths in the IDC.

However, in Rasoolan’s case we have been able to ensure she was treated and now has her freedom back, through a concerted early intervention.

Amreen, said:

“I would like to thank BACA for their trust, for their 50,000 bhat bail money and for their prayers.

“May God bless you and use you more and more for his work.”

Another Thai refugee has asked for us to help with a bail fine and we need to raise 50,000 (£1300) baht to help. Sapna Charles has been supported by BACA for 17 months and her family have now been granted asylum in Australia. Sapna would like to be reunited with her husband as they are soon to fly out and this new status permits him to be released (click here).  If you can help with this cost please donate by clicking (here)

Please help Sapna Charles and her children reunite with husband and father Charles Bhatti


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