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The British Asian Christian Association (BACA) is issuing a crucial update on the ongoing legal situation of Zafar Bhatti, Pakistan’s longest-serving blasphemy convict, and the health condition of his wife, Nawab Bibi.

Background on Zafar Bhatti’s Case:

Zafar Bhatti, a Pakistani Christian, was wrongfully convicted in a case that has drawn significant attention and concern from human rights advocates. He was sentenced to death in 2012 on charges of blasphemy, stemming from allegations that he sent blasphemous text messages. Since then, Bhatti has maintained his innocence, asserting that he was framed due to religious discrimination and animosity against the Christian community in Pakistan.

Over the years, numerous appeals and petitions have been filed in efforts to challenge his conviction. Zafar’s case highlights the pervasive issues surrounding blasphemy laws in Pakistan, where accusations can lead to severe penalties, often without sufficient evidence or fair trial rights.

Recent Legal Update:

Recently, the complainant’s counsel filed an application at the Lahore High Court seeking permission to record additional evidence in the case against Zafar Bhatti. However, this application was denied by Judge Mirza Viqas Rauf on May 9, 2024. The court set aside the application on the grounds that it could not be entertained, as Zafar Bhatti had already been convicted. The judge emphasized that if additional evidence was necessary, it should have been recorded during the earlier stages of the case. He characterized the request for further evidence as a delaying tactic that would not be permitted.

In response to this ruling, the complainant, Ibrar Ahmad Khan, through his counsel Syed Rifaqat Hussain Shah, has filed a writ petition against this order at the Supreme Court of Pakistan. BACA continues to monitor the situation closely and will advocate for justice and due process for Zafar Bhatti.

BACA Officer Edward Masih and Nawab Bibi at a hospital appointment.

Health Update on Nawab Bibi:

Nawab Bibi, aged 76, has recently experienced significant health challenges. She has become weak, which has affected her eyesight, resulting in falls due to her unclear visibility. In a recent conversation with our officer, Nawab Bibi expressed that she has been experiencing fogginess in her eyesight since last month and urgently needs a medical check-up.

On October 1, 2024, the BACA team took her to Ghurki Hospital in Lahore, where she was examined by an optician who diagnosed her with cataracts. The doctors have advised her to undergo surgery for cataract removal. To prevent infection post-surgery, she has been prescribed eye drops and ointment.

Nawab Bibi has made a heartfelt appeal to the global Christian community for prayers, stating, “I appeal to the global Christian community to keep me in their prayers. I want to keep my eyesight till I am alive because I want to see my Zafar, who has been apart from me for the last 12-13 years. I have lived my life without him patiently.”

The estimated cost for Nawab Bibi’s surgery is Rs. 120,000 (approximately £330). Additionally, we need to cover travel expenses and a two-day hospital stay. BACA remains committed to supporting Nawab Bibi by providing a safe home, groceries, covering utility bills, and ensuring she receives regular medical check-ups. We also continue to support Zafar Bhatti by providing for his groceries and medical expenses while he is imprisoned. This care is expensive, and we need your support to continue this vital work. Please donate (here).

BACA urges everyone to keep both Zafar Bhatti and Nawab Bibi in their prayers as we navigate these challenging circumstances.

Juliet Chowdhry, Trustee for British Asian Christian Association said:

“Zafar Bhatti’s case exemplifies the deep injustices embedded within our legal system. He confessed to a crime he did not commit, coerced under the brutal duress of police violence. The absence of any forensic evidence against him highlights the fragility of these accusations, yet his path to freedom continues to be obstructed by endless court postponements and the malignant actions of Islamic zealots.

This unjust imprisonment is not only a burden on Zafar but has taken a devastating toll on his devoted wife, Nawab Bibi, whose health has severely declined at the age of 76. It has long been their wish to be reunited before it’s too late, and we fervently call for prayers for Zafar’s swift release. Every moment they remain apart is a reminder of the cruelty of a system that fails to protect the innocent and allows the vulnerable to suffer. We stand with them in their fight for justice and compassion.”


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