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BBC’s Chris Rogers has been undercover in Thailand to expose how the country treats its asylum seekers. Pakistani Christians fleeing extremist violence are among the second largest group of asylum seekers in Thailand. Many are routinely rounded up and sent indefinitely to immigration detention centres or locked up in jails. Their crime: to be seeking asylum, in a country which does not recognise refugees.  Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association helped Chris Rogers, and organised direct contact with victims being helped by the BPCA.

Lord Alton has shared this link that allows you to watch the BBC Documentary titled Thailand’s Asylum Crackdown (click here).
The password required is ‘Pakistan’.

Sign our petition (click here)

The generous family in the image were extremely distant relatives of Wilson as they are the in-laws of his wife’s, brother’s fiancée.  However in Pakistani terms that obliges Wilson to eat at their home to fulfil custom.  The family spent what little they had to feed the whole crew and other visitors in their attempts to show hospitality to a relative, despite Wilson’s remonstrations.   Don’t worry, though the family would not accept any gift, they were duty bound to allow him to give presents to the children.  Wilson gave the children Money that would have covered the cost of the food.

Read about the latest family BPCA have freed from the brutal Thai Immigration Centre (click here). 

Watch Wilson Chowdhry live on BBC World News (click here)

Learn about the BPCA school in Thailand for Asylum Seekers (click here)

Two Asylum Seekers die inside brutal Thai Immigration Centre (click here)  and (click here)

Father becomes lone parent due to medical incompetence (click here)

Many other articles can be found on our website.

After a tiring day it was such a pleasure to share  a meal with this gracious family.  The room was their bedroom, living room and dining room.  A family of ten sleep in this small space.
 The thin mattresses in the image are their actual beds – nothing has been made up!  The male adults in the family all had professional jobs before they had to flee Pakistan for their lives.

Chris Rogers with the child of Waqar whose wife died from TB leaving a lone parent in a harsh world.

Please Pray:

That Pak-Christians would be safe and find shelter in Thailand without fear of arrest or mistreatment
For their daily food and shelter and for medical needs to be met
That God would intervene and that Thai authorities would recognise Pakistani Christians asylum seekers
For education to be available to the children and the teachers to be safe from arrest

If you feel led to help these suffering brothers and sisters in Thailand, then please use these bank details:

Sort Code: 20-44-22
Account number: 43163318
Bank: Barclays

Ref: Love for brothers and sisters in Thailand

If you would like donate using PayPal our PayPal email address is:

Any cheques should be made payable to the BPCA to our address: 57 Green Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1XG.

With your support we hope to change the lives of millions of Christians in Pakistan
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