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‘Let’s Pray Together’

Sunday 23rd November, Glasgow

Pollokshields Church of Scotland, 525 Shields Road, Glasgow G41 2RF

We are writing to invite you to join us for a special time of prayer for the South Asian communities in Scotland. We want to share the good news of Jesus in ways that are understood and received by South Asians. We are conscious of persecution and pressures that some are facing in South Asia. And we want to pray for even greater unity, so that we can encourage and strengthen each other.

You will find details in the attached flyer. Our focus will be prayer but we will also have short talks as well as time to share local needs and learn from each other. As you will see, there will be food and time for fellowship.

The programme is organised by the South Asian Forum of the Evangelical Alliance, in partnership with the Scottish Asian Christian Fellowship and others. This gathering is part of a series in different parts of the country. The group that met in Leicester last year sent this report:

“We were all linked through having connections in some way with the large South Asian community in Leicester. We were also linked by our desire to witness for Jesus Christ in this city. What was remarkable was the diversity of people who attended. So it was good to come together!

“During times of prayer we shared some of our needs, hopes and joys that we felt as churches working in the city (and for some further afield). In between some to the local leaders gave short talks. We were reminded that we are one in Christ. It is out of our unity and our fellowship that the world will come to see and know Jesus.”

We very much hope that you can join us and look forward to meeting together. Please respond as indicated in the flyer. If you have any questions in the meantime please contact us.

Yours in Christ

Manoj Raithatha, South Asian Forum (07932 463591)

Sheem Gill, Scottish Asian Christian Fellowship (07878275610)

Rev Peter Gill, Wallneuk North, Church of Scotland (0141 8844429 // 07951764262)


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