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Image taken from protest outside 10 Downing Street Saturday 18th October 2014. [Images lost during website transfer in 2020]

A re-enactment of the savage attack on Asia Bibi a Christian mother of five children, who was later arrested and accused of blasphemy, after simply drinking water from a well and offering water to Muslim co-workers, is to be staged outside the Pakistan High Commission, Lowndes Square, London, on Saturday 25th October 2014.

Actors will attempt to illustrate the generosity of a caring woman who thought to share water with other thirsty labourers, whilst picking berries in a field.  The scene will depict the scorn that the kind gesture was met with, after Muslims who deem Christians untouchable in Asia Bibi’s village felt the clean water well had been somehow defiled.  The brutal and savage attack on Asia who was beaten and much worse will be played out. The portrayal will then try to encapsulate the fortitude and resolve of Asia during her captivity, her survival through failed assassination attempts, her daily prayers and supplications and total belief that she will be set free through God.

Asia Bibi has struggled through one of the most torturous miscarriages of justice in the modern age.  Her story is widely known and two leading Pakistani politicians have been killed as a consequence of supporting her release.  We hope those of you know her story and have been touched in some way, will put aside your differences and join us in calling for her freedom on this important day.  let’s together raise a voice for her and other innocent victims in Pakistan.

A petition calling for her freedom will be submitted to the Pakistan Embassy after a 2 hour demonstration.  A copy will also be submitted to the UK Parliament via 10 Downing Street later the same day, calling for engagement with the Pakistan Government over her release.  An electronic copy of our petition can be signed (here)

Catholic Band Ooberfuse will be performing their Free Asia Bibi track live and we will be joined by famous acro-dancer Latasha Sinclair who will depict asia Bibi’s treatment in a dance performance.

Hear Ooberfuse’s Free Asia Bibi song (here)

Date: Saturday 25th October 2014
Time:11:00 – 13:00
Venue:Pakistan High Commission
Address:Lowndes Square. London SW1X 9JN

Guest speakers include, Dr Martin Stern Nazi Holocaust Survivor and former medical student at Peshawar University, Rubab Mehdi Rizvi, Barrister and Muslim humanitarian, Alan Craig formerly leader of the Christian People’s Alliance, Taskeen Khan from Glory TV.

Image from Saturday’s  protest


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