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Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh: Beginning August 29, 2024, a cyclonic depression brought unprecedented heavy rainfall to Coastal Andhra Pradesh, triggering a severe flooding crisis that has devastated the region. The intense rains also affected the surrounding states of Karnataka and Telangana, which are catchment areas for Krishna River reservoirs. On August 30, Vijayawada City received 26 centimeters of rain in a single day, inundating the city and its surroundings. This deluge, compounded by floodwaters from tributaries like the Budameru Vagu from Telangana, overwhelmed the river’s capacity, leading to severe flooding.

VIDEO:  Properties were inundated until their second storey.

By the evening of August 30, low-lying areas of Vijayawada were submerged, with water levels reaching up to 20-25 feet in some places. Despite the rapidly escalating crisis, authorities failed to inform the public adequately, leaving many residents trapped in their homes. On the morning of September 1, residents awoke to find their homes and streets flooded with river water, bringing destruction to properties, livestock, and even lives.

The floodwaters persisted until September 5, exacerbated by blocked and encroached drainage systems and canals. An estimated 1,000,000 people have been affected in Vijayawada and surrounding villages, with floodwaters finally receding on September 7. As residents returned to their homes, they were met with scenes of devastation—properties filled with mud, silt, and a foul odor from decomposing belongings and bodies. Tragically, at least 35 people lost their lives due to drowning, starvation, and lack of timely rescue operations.

Impact and Damage Assessment:

The floods have caused extensive damage across the region:

  • Thousands of thatched and tin-roofed houses have been destroyed.
  • Personal belongings such as clothing, bedding, electronics, and furniture have been ruined by floodwaters.
  • Essential items for school children, including textbooks and school supplies, are no longer usable.
  • Thousands of livestock, including buffaloes, cows, and other animals, have been lost in the flooding.

Effect on the Christian Community:

A significant portion of the affected population comprises lower caste Christians living in low-lying areas. With 70% identifying as Christian, these communities have suffered disproportionately, facing neglect due to political and religious biases.

Communities in Need of Aid:

Immediate assistance is being directed towards poor Christians, Scheduled Castes, and Tribal communities, along with any other impoverished residents severely affected by the floods.

Urgent Needs:

  • Food and Essentials: Rice, pulses, cooking oils, wheat flour, spices, and other staple items.
  • Clothing and Hygiene Supplies: Blankets, towels, mats, pillows, bedding, soaps, and sanitary products.
  • Educational Materials: Textbooks, notebooks, school bags, and other supplies for school and college students.
  • Temporary Shelter: Building materials for those who have lost their homes.
  • Spiritual Support: Telugu language Bibles for those who request them.

Aid Efforts So Far:

Approximately 1 million people were displaced by the floods. Of these, 60% sought refuge with friends or relatives in upland areas, while the remaining 40% stayed in flood refugee camps set up in schools, colleges, and function halls across the city.

The government managed to provide cooked food, rice packets, milk, and water for four days to those who could be reached, but the aid was insufficient given the extent of the flooding. The water levels were so deep that many areas remained inaccessible, and the supply of aid did not meet the overwhelming demand. After the floodwaters receded, Dr Vuchula was  able to distribute 10 bags of 25 kg rice and pulses to those in need and he provided shelter in his apartment to three families.

Voices from the Community:

“We never imagined the water would rise so quickly,” one resident recalled with tears. “We lost everything, and it’s heartbreaking to see our homes and possessions washed away.”

“We could only return to our properties on September 7th, and many of us found our homes filled with river mud, silt, and a foul stench. Our clothes, beds, pillows, and books were ruined, and some even discovered decomposed human and animal bodies trapped in houses, canals, and along the roadsides.”

Our BACA officer, Dr Vuchula Satyanandum, lives very close to the flooded area;  he said:

“My apartment is just one furlong away from the Krishna River, with only a river bund and a main irrigation canal in between. If the floodwaters had entered, my entire ground floor would have been submerged under 15 feet of water. I was miraculously spared with only minor property damage, while other nearby houses were also saved. However, just two kilometers to the right of my apartment, a major area was flooded with 20 feet of water as both the Budameru tributary and Krishna River breached and entered the city. By the grace of God, Christ Yeshua protected us—it’s truly a miracle given how close we are to the river.”

The British Asian Christian Association has launched an urgent appeal to support the victims of the catastrophic floods in Coastal Andhra Pradesh. The floods have displaced over one million people and caused extensive loss of life, property, and livestock. The affected communities, primarily comprising poor Christians, Scheduled Castes, and Tribal groups, have lost their homes, belongings, and sources of livelihood.

How to Donate:

Donations will directly support the provision of food, clean water, clothing, medical supplies, and shelter for those in desperate need. Your generosity can help restore hope and dignity to the affected families during this critical time.

Donate now to make a difference (click here)

Every contribution, no matter the size, will help provide vital aid to those who have lost everything. Your support can bring relief and hope to the families struggling to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of this disaster. Thank you for standing with us and the people of Andhra Pradesh in their time of need.

Juliet Chowdhry, Chair of the British Asian Christian Association, said:

“The heartache of seeing so many lives lost and homes destroyed is overwhelming. Families are struggling to meet their most basic needs—food, water, shelter—and are facing a long, painful road to recovery. As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out in compassion to our spiritual family in their time of desperate need. I urge you to give generously, knowing that your support will provide not only immediate relief but also hope and comfort to those who are suffering. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in their lives.”


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