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Badil Masih was killed at 10 years of age after being sodomized by his Muslim employers, his mother fought for justice but eventually caved in to threats and ceased a murder trial (click here).  

Months later Sahrifah Bibi died and left behind her son Soojal who was 8 years old, extremely distraught and confused (click here).

It took months to locate him but BACA did not give up and found him being passed around between uncles, and made to work for his upkeep (click here).

BACA struggled with them and gained permission to admit soojal to a primary school near his home.  Read more (here).

Soojal (10 yrs) was illiterate and had to start 3 grades below his expected achievement levels for his age (click here).

We catch up with Soojal as he strives to fulfil his mothers desire that he becomes a police officer to help other Pakistani Christians facing intolerable persecution and abuse.

Once we obtained permission for Soojal to attend school, we were shocked to discover he was completely illiterate.  His mother had told us she had been sending him to school, but he was being declined at every school we visited because he could not read or write.

Eventually he was admitted at “The School of Excellence and National Academy” at Gakhar.  They required Soojal to attend at Grade 1, despite being the age for a Grade 5 class.  The school assured us that Soojal would be pushed up through the grades if he showed good progress.

Soojal with BACA officer

In March this year, Soojal was admitted to school and within 3 months showed good progress.  So good was his progress that he achieved a 98% score in his first term exams in June 2022. After reviewing his results the school promoted him to Grade 2.

To make up the learning deficit, it was essential for Soojal to have a private tutor and BACA hired one from nearby his home.  The tuition teacher is responsible for ensuring Soojal completes school homework and to address the learning gap.

Faisal Masih, Soojal and BACA Officer

Soojal will now be sitting further exams in December and the school anticipate that he will be promoted to Grade 3 . It is further hoped that Soojal continues on his current trajectory, and will be qualified to attend Grade 4 classes by the end of session 2022 – 2023.  Soojal will then remain a part of this year group, one year behind where he should be for the rest of his school life.  This will mean that Soojal will be completing 3 years of education in just one year and we believe because he is so bright, it is an attainable goal.

Muhammad Roshan, School Principal for School of Excellence, said:

“Though shy at first, Soojal has begun to find his feet at our  school.

“He confidently participates in classroom activities and has shown a keen interest in getting a good education”

“ Despite being older and bigger than other pupils, he fits in well with other students and enjoys play times.

“The other children look up to him, he is like their big brother.”

“His performance in class tests has improved massively since he started – attaining 98% in his exams was a wonderful achievement.”

Soojal in a shoe store.

Mr Roshan, added:

“We pay extra attention towards his educational needs.

“We know about his difficult history and are their to provide any support academically and emotionally.

“Soojal is a hard-worker and we expect great things of him.”

BACA regularly visit Soojal and his uncle to check on his well-being. During one visit, Soojal informed us that he needed a new pair of shoes and a new uniform for school.  We have now purchased these items for him as his uncles both told us they could not afford these costs.

Soojal was bought new shoes and a uniform.

Soojal will need warm clothing to cope with the colder winter months and has also asked for a study table. During the winter school holidays we want to make sue that the uncles of Soojal do not put him into employment and would like to provide a grant for costs associated with sustaining Soojal.  Altogether we need to raise £250 to cover these costs.  If you would like to help us meet these costs please donate (here).

Juliet Chowdhry, Trustee for British Asian Christian Association, said:

“Soojal has had a very troubled life.

“He saw his 10 year old brother being beaten by his employers as he fled for his life – the next day his brother was found dead.

“He watched as his mum initially challenged for justice, caved into threats and ceased the Badil Masih Murder trial and then died of grief.

“Even then, he seems to be turning his life around.

“He is a prayerful devout Christian and one day wants to be a police officer to fulfil his mothers desires and to help other Pak-Christians.

“His faith in God and his dedication to help others is inspiring.”


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