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Pak-Christian man blinded in vicious assault hides with his family, waits for court, and hopes for surgery


A Christian man who was severely beaten to blindness and his family have been shifted to a safe house in a secret location after a two week period of serious threats to their lives. Vikram Masih appealed to BPCA to help him with his circumstances read more (here)

Mehwish Bhatti, Lead Pakistan officer for the BPCA, spoke of the move:

“The difficulties we faced finding a safer house for the family was that wherever the family went for hiding the attackers soon found them. We knew they were being watched and followed.

“Moreover many property owners in Karachi have refused to give them accommodation when they discovered that the family were Christian and fighting a court case.

“However we have found a kindly have Christian landlord who has leased a property in a location some distance from their original home.”

“The family have faced a torrid time as the attackers and their associates have continued to threaten them via phone calls and in person, demanding they drop all the charges.”

The funds we have raised do not provide much time in the safe house and this case could be a long one, moreover the family will definitely have to relocate permanently and may lose the value of their existing property which they believe will be usurped. We are expanding our appeal to include for the costs of help towards a new home. We are helping the family pursue justice and an appointed solicitor has already submitted papers to Mehmoodabad Session Court and we will keep you informed of progress.

Vikram still urgently needs medical treatment for his eye. The family consulted with doctors in Turkey who have given their surety to the family they can help Vikram recover sight in his blind eye. The cost required for the treatment, travel, and stay is £6,000.

If you can help with these cost and feel led to them please contribute to our appeal fund by clicking(here)


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