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Image of litter and graffiti at Connaught Mews.

We all care about our environment….

British Pakistani Christian Association in partnership with East Ilford Betterment Partnership, Eden Christian Centre, Albayan Welfare Centre and Prince of Wales Pub invite residents to join them at a litter clean up of the local area.

Not only do littered streets damage business and tourism opportunities but it also costs Redbridge Borough taxpayers £4.2million a year to clean them.

We want to encourage as many volunteers as possible to come and take part in our litter Clean-up.  It will show others that we take pride in the environment in which we live , work and play.

The London Borough of Redbridge will provide support and equipment for this partnership project and a Mayor of London’s Capital-Clean up Pack has also been received by the East Ilford Betterment Partnership.

Join us to make a positive difference on Saturday, 4th October from 10:00 am onward at Eden Christian Centre, Connaught Road, Ilford, IG1 1RN.

For further information or to volunteer please contact Wilson Chowdhry on 020 8514 0861  or email

Schedule of events:

  • Saturday 4th October – meet at Eden Christian Centre at 10:00 am.  Roads to be covered; Connaught Road, St Mary’s Road and Stanley Road.
  • Saturday 11th October – meet at Clementswood Community Centre at 10:00 am.  Roads to be covered; Green Lane, Connaught Mews, Pelham Road, Buckinghamshire Road, 
  • Saturday 18th October – Young offenders to repaint walls on Connaught Mews paint donated by Frog Island

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