Poppy hero Tajamal beaten by Muslims for his support of British forces is admitted back into hospital

Poppy hero and long term supporter of the British forces Tajamal Amar who was badly beaten by Muslims on 20th October 2017 for his support of British forces
(click here),
was readmitted to hospital on Wednesday 1st November after serious excessive bleeding was detected in his skull, following a visit to Royal Derby hospital
due to severe headaches.

Tajamal Amar explained how after a meeting with local police for some further interviews on 19th October, he later became concerned about increasing
pain in his head region which exacerbated overnight.  The next morning Tajamal and his wife drove to Royal Derby Hospital where he underwent several
medical assessments. 

A CT scan revealed that Tajamal had serious levels of excess blood within the cavity of his skull and doctors concerned about his exhibited symptoms
including a very severe head pain and visible distress, sent him to Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham for further tests and assessments with a view
to initiating emergency brain surgery if necessary.

When he got to Nottingham specialists decided that they would try to place him on stronger pain killers hoping that the pain would dissipate. 
However after two days of observation during which much of the pain disappeared his condition worsened again and doctors retained him in the hospital
for rest and recuperation, while they decided whether they will proceed with intrusive surgery to drain the fluid from his skull cavity. 

Tajamal was finally discharged from hospital on Saturday 4th November 2017 and Tajamal is excited by the prospect of being able to attend Remembrance
Sunday service at his local church.

Tajamal spoke with BPCA about the anxiety he felt, he said:

“I was fearful that I would die and would leave my wife and child behind to fend for themselves.  The brutal men that attacked me without any hesitation had no care or thought about the impact it would have on my life or that of my family.

“My wife wept and she felt very isolated and I was grateful to the BPCA for finding her a place of safety to stay while I was in hospital.  For her it has been a traumatic time as for a long while it seemed I would have to undergo intrusive brain surgery which could have led to many future complications.  However God has saved me from a very daunting operation.

“I am eager to return to church on Sunday and will sing worship songs louder then ever before to Thank God for the way he has protected me. I will also pray for the brave servicemen who risk their lives to keep the people of Britain and many other nations safe.  I salute all of them.”

Tajamal has advised us that two men have been interviewed and arrested by the Derbyshire Police Constabulary for the attack on him.  He has also
informed us that a witness was due to identify the two men this week and that he is very hopeful local police will make a successful prosecution.

Nevertheless, Tajamal and his wife have expressed a desire to leave Derby now as they fear for their safety and have previously experienced being shunned
by some Muslims who view their faith as outside the norm for their national origins. BPCA are supporting them with a move and are seeking a move for
their family to East London where a church has already agreed to provide support and counselling and they have members of their extended family. 
Along with the church we are approaching Derby Housing Department, the MP for Derby and two MP’s for the Borough in which we hope to relocate the family,
the housing department for the same London Borough and Sarah Newton the Under Secretary of State for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability, with
hope that between us we can make a long term move possible for the family. 

In the meanwhile we are still supporting the family financially and will cover initial rent and deposits, costs for relocation and other essentials
for the family. If you would like to contribute to our fund for Tajamal please donate by clicking (here). Please also pray for the complete recovery and healing of Tajamal.

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“The rapid nature of the police investigation after this violent crime was correctly listed as a hate crime has been confidence building.  It seems likely the perpetrators of the brutal assault of Tajamal Amar will now be prosecuted and some justice can be brought into this situation.

“However it is essential that the nature of the crime is not forgotten and that following any convictions attempts are made to review existing societal tensions that could lead to further attacks based on the visible adornments of a persons faith or beliefs. 

“I am glad that Tajamal is willing to continue his support of the Royal Legion’s Poppy appeal, as my family and I also support the brave soldiers that protect the people of Britain and a plethora of other nations – placing their lives at risk that we might sleep safely. 

“On Sunday every member of my family will be wearing a poppy to church as we pray for ‘our armed forces’ but this Sunday which is also international day of prayer for the persecuted church, we will also be praying for Tajamal in the UK and other Christians across the globe who fear violence simply for adhering to the Christian faith.

“It is very upsetting to know that Tajamal Amar who fled Pakistan because of the persecution he faced there, has experienced another attack here in the UK and that it was undertaken by Muslim men of Pakistani origin. Kaffirophobia is a real and present danger and more investment is required by our government to prevent this social malaise growing any further.”

Please sign our petition calling for protection of non-Muslims in the UK from a recognisable trend of increasing violence from radicalised Muslims (click here)