Out two schools for asylum seekers in Thailand have been busy and children who performed exceptionally well at both schools have received certificates
of excellence and some small prizes, to further stimulate their passion for learning. This report continues after next six images.
One of our schools has now been in operation for over two years and parents across the asylum seeker community regularly place their trust in us to
care appropriately for their children and to provide a learning platform for children who otherwise would have little or no opportunity.
Our model is a simple one, all children pass through a Cambridge syllabus and the teachers are hired through the existing pool of qualified teachers
who are seeking asylum and are currently stranded in Thailand. Our teachers salary are around £50 per month and is not enough to cover a months
rent but helps their families with their finances, we would like to pay more but are restricted by the necessary regular donations required to pay
an increase and we seek sponsors to help us raise the payments made for such essential work.
We have repaired the four computers we had bought in 2015 and will soon have a consignment of 20 computers delivered via a Charity based in Oxford.
This will enhance the level of education that children receive as it will allow for a number of computer-based learning packages to be utilised and
will also provide for adult learning – a very anticipated service. To make this work we will also need to hire a fiurther teacher to be able
to train adults in basic computing and are praying for further support towrads this goal.
True to our vision all the children attend a daily Christian assembly even the children of asylum seekers from the Ahmadi community. In the video
below children can be heard singing an Urdu Christian worship song – they sing it well:
Like always we are desperate to keep these schools running and the asylum seeker teachers involved in these projects have not had a pay increase since last year. We would love to be able to increase the salaries the teachers receive and would also like to introduce free school dinners with your help. If you can contribute please (click here)
School 2 is smaller but the number of children is growing: